Marina Tyunina
Marina Tyunina (Tjunina) is a Researcher at University of Oulu and Institute of Physics, Prague. She obtained degrees of MSc (physics, condensed matter physics) from University of Latvia, PhD (condensed matter physics) from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute MEPhI, DTech (electronics) from University of Oulu, and Docent (materials physics) from University of Oulu. Previously, she worked in microelectronics industry for nearly a decade and as Researcher at University of Latvia and held invited Researcher/Professor positions in Sweden, Finland, Austria, and France. She served as a Member of management committees of several EU COST Actions, scientific and/or organizing committees of a number of international meetings, and as a general chair of the EMRS Symposia and recent Piezo2019 conference. Her fields of expertise range from technology of semiconductor integrated circuits, laser-matter interactions, and pulsed laser deposition to physics of relaxors, ferroelectrics, and related perovskite oxides. Her recent research was focused on effects of epitaxy for tailoring electrical, optical, and mechanical response functions in heterostructures of perovskite oxides.