Lorena Pardo (Vice-president)
Lorena Pardo (Vice-president) is Research Professor at the Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM) of the Spanish Council of Research (CSIC). She was Spanish leader of EU projects on piezoelectric ceramics for SAW devices, for operation at high temperatures, lead-free and high sensitivity compositions and also on thick and thin films as actuators and on UV-assisted processing. She was involved in managing and scientific tasks in EU Networks (COST514 and 528, POLECER, MIND_NoE, CSA_PI) in collaboration with many European academic and industrial partners. She co-funded the “Electrocerámica” Section of the Spanish Society of Ceramic and Glass (SECV) in 1998 and contributed to establish the Piezoinstitute in 2008. She works on processing, structure, functional characterization and modeling of polycrystalline ferro-piezoelectrics. She authorized 215 publications (more than 175 at the WoK) and 5 book chapters and carried on editorial tasks in journals, Special Issues and one book. She was Chair of the PIEZO2017 Conference and Chair of the Piezo Institute Advisory Board (2019-2021).