Wanda W. Wolny
Wanda W. Wolny (emeritus member) graduated from Politechniki Warszawska (Warsaw University of Technology) in June1969 with Master of Solid State Physics and Electronics degree. Moved to Denmark in July 1969 and became employed at Industriselskabet Ferroperm A/S, the Danish piezoceramics manufacturer, as a R&D engineer, and was promoted to R&D manager. When a new company, Ferroperm Piezoceramics A/S, was formed (1998), she continued as R&D manager, and reached the positions as R&D Director, Managing Director and, after a MBO, also a co-owner of the company. Ferroperm Piezoceramics was acquired by Meggitt Plc in 2008, where she continued working until her retirement in 2013 . She was President of PiezoInstitute AISBL (2008-2013) and Honorary President of PIEZO 2013 Conference.